My first ‘professional’ kidmin staff role was in a small church many years ago. Since it was my first staff role, I was excited to get to work to make our kidmin a place where parents felt safe to leave their children, children were engaged and volunteers thrived and enjoyed serving. Yes, there were bountiful joys, but there were also challenges and frustrations.
Most people in small churches share the same frustrations:
- Doing it alone on the edge of burnout and wondering why no one is is stepping up to help
- Teaching mixed-age classes and struggling to keep the older and younger engaged AND interested
- Wishing for a few more young families to bring new energy to your church
- Watching with sadness as another beloved family with kiddos leaves for the bigger children’s program down the street
This list probably isn’t surprising to you. In fact, I bet you could add a few more, and we would all just nod our heads right along with you. But be encouraged…
Small church ministry isn’t LESS. But it IS different!
If you happen to be involved in children’s ministry in a small church – or if you know someone who is – please let them know about the Mighty KidMin! A Children’s Ministry Conference for Small Churches.
During this conference – did I mention that it’s FREE! – I will share must-have safety measures that will put families and volunteers at ease.
In addition, there are other amazing presentations scheduled:
- One-Room Ministries: Teach to a Range of Ages and Keep Them All Engaged
- Staying Relevant as They Grow: Is It Enough to Get Them to Church or Should We Raise Them to Be the Church?
- A Simple, Workable Plan for Including People of All Abilities in Small Churches
Plus so many more incredible presentations about building teams, digital strategies, safety & policies, teaching mixed-ages, inclusive ministry, and leadership – all specific to small churches!
Click here to get all the details and get your FREE ticket!

Love this. Great info.