Are you or someone you know searching for a new kidmin opportunity? Feel free to consider these 2 great options, both located in the Baltimore, Maryland area.
Nursery/Early Childhood Coordinator, Central Presbyterian Church
My church, Central Presbyterian Church, is looking to hire a part-time (25-28 hours per week) Nursery/Early Childhood Coordinator. Central Presbyterian is an evangelical Presbyterian Church with an average of 1000 weekly worshipers and 150 children (birth – 5th Grade). The ideal person will serve on the Children’s Ministry staff under the supervision of the Director of Children’s Ministry (that’s me)! In addition, the ideal person will provide leadership and care for every aspect of the Nursery and Early Childhood ministry environments (Infants – Kindergarten). Prime requirements for this position are: committed and growing relationship with Jesus Christ; called to Children’s Ministry and our core vision, direction and philosophy; degree in Children’s Ministry or related field, or at least 3 years of equivalent experience; strong leadership skills, including recruiting, training, equipping and shepherding volunteers; committed to overseeing Nursery & Early Childhood environments on Sunday mornings; and satisfactory completion of all background checks.
For more information on this position, click here or contact Kathie Phillips, Director of Children’s Ministry at kathie@centralpc.org.
Kids Ministry Director, City Church Presbyterian
Another church in our community, City Church Presbyterian, is looking to hire a part-time Kids Ministry Director. City Church is a worshipping community focused on the neighborhoods of North Baltimore City. The church was planted in 2013 by Chapelgate Presbyterian Church and Mission to North America and is a member of the Presbyterian Church of America.
The position will start at 10 hours per week but could quickly grow to a full-time position as the ministry develops. For more information on this position, click here or contact Patrick Donohue, at patrick@citychurchbaltimore.org.
Please pass along these great opportunities to anyone in your circles!