Last Mother’s Day, I heard the most beautiful prayer for moms during our Mother’s Day worship service. What made this prayer unique is that it covered moms in every season of motherhood as well as those who longed to be mothers.
The prayer was written and shared by Debbie Schmidt, our Pastor’s wife. She has granted me permission to share it with all of my readers. I have also placed a pdf copy under the “Free Resources”——> “Parents” ——> “Downloads” tab. You can find it here.
I pray that it will be a blessing to you and the moms in your sphere of influence. Enjoy!
Mother’s Day Prayer
Our good and loving God, we thank you today for mothers, for grandmothers, for great-grandmothers, for aunts and neighbors and every wise and kind woman you have put in our lives. We are grateful for the many ways they have nurtured us.
We pray today for the mothers in our midst and ask for your blessing on them.
We pray for expectant mothers and thank you for the joy and excitement of new life. We ask for your protection over these mothers and their babies.
We pray for mothers of infants, that you would give them endurance for the daily tasks of feeding, diapering and caring for their children. We pray that in the midst of these challenges you would give them times of joy and delight in the little ones you have brought into their lives.
We pray for mothers of young children, that they would have patience for the endless questions that come as young minds try to make sense of their world. Refresh them by your Spirit and help them model to their children the love they receive from you.
We pray for mothers of teenagers, that they would have the discernment to know when to speak and when to listen. Give them confidence that you are at work in their children and that you hold their children’s futures in your hands.
We pray for mothers of rebellious or wayward children, that as they pour out their grief to you, they would find hope and encouragement. Remind them of your love for their children, a love that exceeds even their own.
We pray for mothers who face special challenges, parenting their children alone or mothering children with disabilities or illnesses. Give them an extra measure of grace. Surround them with a community that can support and love their children and them.
We pray for mothers who have lost children. Comfort them in their sorrow and use them in your kingdom to comfort others who grieve.
We pray for those who long to be mothers. Give them grace to receive the blessings of each day with joy and satisfy the desires of their hearts with good things.
We pray for our own mothers and ask your blessing upon them. Thank you for all the ways they have nurtured and loved us. Give us the words to express our gratitude to them.
Where our mothers have wounded or disappointed us, give us grace to forgive.
For every mother here who carries regret or guilt, we pray that you would meet her in that place of failure with forgiveness for the past and grace to move forward in your love.
Thank you, Lord, for the love of mothers. Their love feeds our souls and gives us a small glimpse of the overwhelming love you have for each of us.
In the name of your son, Jesus, Amen.
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