I opened my inbox this morning and saw an email from my friend Michael Chanley, who is offering a phenomenal opportunity for Children’s Ministry leaders to attend the brand new Children’s Ministry Conference, which will take place in Louisville, KY on April 15-17, 2015.
Here are the details from Michael’s email:

I’ve never been so excited to write an email!
Before Jesus sent out his twelve disciples in Matthew 10, he said to them, “Freely you have received, freely give.” Well, I like to think this principal of generosity was not just for the twelve he sent out. I believe it is also for all of us who follow Him. I’m excited because we have received freely; so, we get an opportunity to give freely!
Last week we sent out an email to let everyone know our early rates had been extended until the end of the year. Now, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, we have been able to create a code to permit a limited number of people to join us for free. Yep, while supplies last, absolutely 100% of registration costs will be covered!
Free! Free! FREE! Merry Christmas!!!
The challenge I would like to present to YOU is simple:
Will you help us get these free registrations
to the right people?
We want this blessing to go to serve churches in need. It’s not an unlimited offer; so, please, if your church will cover your expenses then we ask you to not use this limited code. If you can’t afford to cover your own travel and lodging, please let someone else take advantage of this opportunity. However, if your church is going through a hard season, your budget has been exhausted or you are under-resourced, this is definitely for you… just act quickly before the free passes are all gone!
Send this message to someone in ministry who might not otherwise be able to get training. Let’s play this blessing forward and, together, serve more churches!

Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Michael Chanley
Executive Director and President of CMConnect Global
Founder of CMConnect