This is How I Work

Late last year, my friend Trevor Lee and I spoke about me being included in his “How I Work” blog series, which is dedicated to sharing the tools, technology, wisdom and resources ministry leaders use to lead.  Something about this was intriguing but I was very apprehensive.  So apprehensive that I told Trevor – and this is an exact quote – “If you need an average, run-of-the-mill kidmin leader, let me know.”  His response – “Average…LOL!  Seriously, is there such a thing as an ‘average’ kidmin?”  

So, I decided to do it.  Trevor and I have connected on social media but it wasn’t until last week that we made a face-to-face connection (virtually – gotta love technology!)  I even had a chance to meet his lovely wife.

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to get a peek into the life of an average kidmin leader, today’s your lucky day.  You can learn more about how I work by jumping over to Trevor’s blog and reading all about it.

Thanks, Trevor, for a great conversation and for nudging me out of my comfort zone!