Hello everyone! We are just hours away from 2014 but before 2013 fades into history, I wanted to take the time to thank all of my faithful KidMinspiration readers. You have helped this blog to grow by leaps and bounds, blessing many kidmin enthusiasts. I am so grateful for you and what you’re doing to impact the Kingdom of God. You have inspired me!
I also wanted to share the Top 5 posts from 2013. Did you miss them? If so, I invite you to check them out! Look for more great content coming in 2014!
Last week, our VBS (or Summer Bible Camp as it’s known in our church) wrapped up. (You can read about our VBS in earlier posts.) The end of camp was very bittersweet for me because of the amazing stories of how God was working not only in the hearts of children but of volunteers, too. I didn’t want the enthusiasm to end.
One of those stories was shared with me after camp on Day 2. The mom of a camper, who also served as a volunteer, granted her permission to share their story with all of you. Enjoy!
This week has been unbelievable and transforming as Central Presbyterian has been turned into Athens and we have been learning about Paul’s bold journey to share his faith! It has been life changing and unbelievable.
On Monday night, I was putting [my son] to bed and reading the devotional, Jesus Calling Bible Storybook, with him. We were looking for stories about Paul and came upon the story where Lydia believes from Acts 16. The storybook bible had John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. It then went on to say that as hard as you try, you cannot get to heaven on our own. Everyone does some bad things – mommies, daddies, teachers and boys and girls. There is no place in heaven for sin, and this is why you need Jesus in your heart. I am your only way to heaven says Jesus. I am the one who washes away your sins and opens the way to God the Father. This started the most amazing conversation with me and [my son]. The door was opened because he has been fascinated by the daily Summer Bible Camp skits with Paul and Timothy and how brave Paul is, and how Paul wants to tell EVERYONE he meets about the one true God (Yes! It’s true!). The devotional we read paired up so beautifully with the teachings in SBC this week.The Greeks worshiped so many false gods and statues that it has been such a privilege and a gift to talk about our living God and how He LOVES us. Each day keeps getting better and better. Anyways, [my son] went on to say that he believes in Jesus and wants to have him in his heart. So, we prayed together and then he wrote in his Bible the sweetest note. I have attached a picture so you could see his spelling and handwriting: “Dear Jeses, Plaes come in my heart bcuaes I Love You. Love [boy’s name] July 8 2013
Actual letter written by the writer’s son
It melts my heart thinking about it. It has been so fun and easy to boldly tell these children about Jesus and God’s love and what eternity means (forever). We heard today about how Paul had been Saul and how we truly need Jesus to save us. The verse on the back of our tee shirts was John 3:16 which has all new meaning to me now. It’s so exciting.
My verses to share with you today are two:
1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater then he who is in the world.
1 John 4:15-16 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God has for us, God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
This story gives me goosebumps! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to see this unfold and walk with this family long after camp is over.
How did this story impact you? Do you have a similar story of transformation as a result of VBS? Share below!
You can read about Day 1 of our VBS here, Day 2 here, Day 3 hereand Day 4 here.
Day 5 of our VBS (or Summer Bible Camp as it’s known in our church) was very bittersweet. I was sad to see the week end but so thankful for all that God did in the lives of adults and children alike. Here’s a recap:
We provided coffee and bagels in the morning for all of our awesome volunteers. They were so appreciative of a the gesture on what turned out to be a very rainy day.
Because of the rain, games were held inside for a second day in a row.
Gifts to volunteers were distributed.
Our Celebration Time (worship) was extended a bit to sing all of the songs learned during the week.
Our Security Team was encouraged to be extra diligent as we didn’t want to let our guard down on the last day.
Our partial clean-up plan was in place and volunteers ready to help with tear down after SBC ended.
I had a few God Sightings on Day 5:
Lots of hugs and laughter as the children enjoyed their last day together at camp.
Overflowing outreach project bins (items were brought in for a local one-day missions event as well as a local food pantry we support)
Seeing the children worship God during our Celebration time. The energy was electric!
Watching our children’s God Sightings walls be filled to capacity.
Safety for all of our campers and volunteers.
Parents and volunteers who shared stories of life-change as a result of the camp.
Our church staff who worked so hard to help set up rooms, answer phone calls, help with copying, help with greeting the children, assistance with sound and lighting, etc. It really is an all-church production!
God used the gifts and talents of many to bring glory to Himself this week. I am so thankful to have worked with fabulous people to make this week unforgettable. Who knew that learning about Paul’s journey to share the truth of God’s love could be so much FUN?!
Verse for the day:
“Just as I have loved you, you should love one another.”
John 13:34
Here are a few pictures from Day 5:
Balloons to mark our Volunteer Breakfast spot, which included hot coffee and bagelsInstead of purchasing Memory Makers this year, our Family Tribe leaders made laminated bookmarks with each day’s Bible Point, Key Verse and Bible Story on the front. On the back, our church’s name and year were printed. They were secured with a binder ring and one set was given to each camper.A handmade craft made by a camper after Day 4
You can read about Day 1 of our VBS here, Day 2 hereand Day 3 here.
Day 4 of our VBS (or Summer Bible Camp as it’s known in our church) was awesome! Here’s a recap:
I made sure to eat protein again for breakfast. My choice: PB & J sandwich (again).
Today was the day the Gospel message would be presented. I began praying for hearts to be softened and receptive to the Word has it was presented.
I finalized my notes for Sunday’s Celebration Service (I found this very challenging).
We wanted to lift the spirits of our volunteers so we decided to provide coffee and bagels in the morning for Day 5.
We also started to map out our partial clean-up plan for the end of Day 5.
One of the things that I love about our curriculum is setting aside time for God Sightings – ways that we see God at work. I had a few God Sightings on Day 4:
Hearing that 3 children accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Hearing that volunteers are being impacted by what they’ve heard at camp.
Seeing the children bring in items for our outreach project.
Seeing the children worship God during our Celebration time.
Watching our children’s God Sightings walls expand and getting to read many of them.
Safety for all of our campers and volunteers.
A plan “B” for outdoor games, which had to be moved indoors because of the rain.
I found myself getting (surprisingly) emotional at the thought of camp ending. I have heard stories of how children and families have been impacted and it makes me sad that camp is ending. But it’s also exciting to help these precious children continue to grow in their faith.
God is so good! We almost made it to the finish line. Looking forward to Day 5!
Verse for the day:
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16
Here are a few pictures from Day 4:
Our gift to our awesome volunteersOne of our Outreach Project supply binsA handmade paper torch filled with candies (a gift to my daughter from her leaders)One of our God Sightings wallsThe Olympic Shop