What More Could I Have Done?

For the past several weeks, I have seen several friends and ministry colleagues come under serious spiritual attack.  While each circumstance is different, they are all trusting God for the next steps after seeing dreams become shattered pieces of what could’ve or should’ve been.

Earlier this week, I read a passage of scripture that made me ponder the feeling of defeat.  The passage was Isaiah 5:1-7.

“What more could I have done to cultivate a rich harvest?  

Why did my vineyard give me wild grapes when I expected sweet ones?”

Isaiah 5:4

Have you been in a place like that, a place of disappointment and heartbreak?  Have you wondered why all of your hard work returned a ‘loss’ rather than a ‘win’?  I have, both personally and professionally.  After all, none of us work to fail.  We invest and work hard to see results – favorable results.

One thing that I remind my children’s ministry team is that while we can plant the seed, it’s up to God to grow it in His time.  We might not see the results right away; we may never see the results.  But that doesn’t mean that we should give up.

If you feel like throwing in the towel because an event that took weeks of planning flopped, leaders that you invested in turned against you, a door was closed, you don’t get the recognition that you feel you deserve, you were removed from a cherished ministry position or job, the child you raised in the church is no longer interested in following Christ, or you aren’t as far along in life as you thought you should be, don’t give up.  Be encouraged:  God will give you the strength you need to endure every season of your life, the highs and the lows.  Lean into Him, do what He has called you to do and trust Him for the results.

What are you trusting God for right now?  Do you believe that He has your best interest at heart?

What I Learned From NOT Attending the KidMin Conference

Many of my ministry colleagues are returning home today after five days in Chicago for Group’s KidMin 2012 Conference.  I was heartbroken that I had to cancel my registration at the last-minute, as I thoroughly enjoyed attending last year.

As I reflect on the “conference that wasn’t”, my mind was flooded with things that I learned as a result of NOT attending the conference.  Here’s the shortlist:

  1. Pouting and sulking are for toddlers and preschoolers, not a grown woman.
  2. Disappointment is a part of life.  It just is.
  3. Being green with envy is NOT a good look for me.
  4. Limiting my time on social media during the conference was a good thing.  (Refer back to #3.)
  5. Getting a nasty head cold the day before I was scheduled to leave for the conference was no accident.  I spent much of the weekend in bed with a box of Kleenex and hot tea.  God knew that I’d much rather be at home sick than in a beautiful hotel with thousands of KidMin leaders enjoying the conference without me.  And–I can be a wee bit grumpy when I’m sick. 🙂
  6. Interstate love is palpable.  A few of my ministry colleagues actually said that they missed me being there!  That makes a girl feel so special!

The bottom line is that we all have disappointments.  It’s how we deal with them that show what we’re made of.  And I was reminded just how tough I am.  Besides..if God wills, there’s always next year!