Hi Friends!
This morning, I unveiled (on Periscope – gasp!) that I will be launching an online book club for kidmin leaders! This is something that I have been feeling God nudging me to do for the past year or so but I have put it aside until now. Stepping out in faith is hard sometimes, right?
I love being with other kidmin leaders and as I’ve had conversations with leaders and have participated in online forums, I have noticed that there are two things that kidmin leaders crave: (1) connection and support with other leaders and (2) great resources. It’s my prayer that this book club will marry the two!

Here are a few logistics:
- The book club will be moderated online (through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – and maybe Periscope).
- I’ll select a book for us to read together – our first two books are AWESOME!
- On the first Thursday of the month following the book reveal, I’ll host a Twitter and Facebook chat at 9pm EST. We’ll use #kidminbookclub.
The first book I’ve selected is written by my friend, Ryan Frank. Give Me Jesus: Gospel-Centered Children’s Ministry That Changes Lives brings together children’s ministry veterans from across the country to share what they’ve learned about gospel-centered ministry to kids, youth and families. You’ll find practical, flexible strategies to make the good news of Christ accessible to children of all ages and abilities, train volunteers to effectively disciple kids as followers of Jesus, and weave the gospel into every lesson and activity.
Earlier this year, I interviewed Ryan about the book. Here are highlights from our conversation:
Kathie Phillips: What was the inspiration behind your book, Give Me Jesus?
Ryan Frank: Conversations are happening in kidmin about the newest products for ministry, but there is no power in the shiny, flashy things. The power is in the Gospel. It’s the driving force behind programs and volunteers.
KP: You invited friends to write portions of the book. Why did you feel that having different viewpoints about this topic was important?
RF: It’s important to get different perspectives from different people: Children’s Ministry pastors, para-church leaders, bloggers, all from different denominations and different size churches.
KP: How does a Children’s Ministry leader make ministry fun and engaging while keeping the Gospel front and center?
RF: Start by making it memorable. That can be achieved through (1) solid curriculum that is Gospel-centered; (2) creative new ways to present the Gospel (through story, object lessons, visual aids and personal testimonies); and (3) engaging parents to have Gospel conversations at home. Provide them with tools and resources to help make this happen.
One of the things that Ryan said that stood out to me was this:
When the Gospel is the focus of my ministry, the Gospel becomes more important than the methods.
I’m so excited about this book club and I hope you’ll join me! I’ll host our first Twitter chat on Thursday, November 5th at 9pm EST. (I’ll give you a little more time since we’re nearing the end of September). Find me here or by searching #kidminbookclub.
Pick up a copy of Give Me Jesus here or enter to win an autographed copy of the book by emailing me by 11:59pm on Sunday, September 20th! I want you to have this book as soon as possible!
Happy reading – and spread the word!
Let me know that you’ll be part of this book club by leaving me a comment below!
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