If you lead a kidmin, then you know that volunteers are the backbone and heartbeat of your ministry. While we prepare behind the scenes, these faithful servants are on the front lines helping children know and love Jesus week in and week out. Treasuring and appreciating these folks should always be a priority of ours. My friends at What’s in the Bible? can help you do just that.
Thank your team courtesy of What’s in the Bible? by entering to win a free breakfast for your team. Find out more details here. Hurry – the deadline to enter is Sunday, April 12th!
In the meantime, if you’re looking for fun and inexpensive ideas to appreciate your volunteers, check these out:
15 Ways to Thank Your Children’s Ministry Volunteers
Year-Round Volunteer Appreciation Ideas
I’ve pinned 250+ ideas for volunteer appreciation on Pinterest. Check it out: https://www.pinterest.com/kathierphillips/kidmin-volunteer-appreciation/
Share with our community! How have you appreciated your volunteers lately?