Athens VBS: Day 3

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Photo Credit: Group Publishing

You can read about Day 1 of our VBS here and Day 2 here.

Day 3 of our VBS (or Summer Bible Camp as it’s known in our church) was awesome!  Here’s a recap:

  • I made sure to eat protein again for breakfast.  My choice: PB & J sandwich.
  • I had the opportunity to greet volunteers and families as they entered the main entrance.
  • I saw members of our Registration Team putting together our volunteer gifts – it’s very cute – I’ll share the pic tomorrow.
  • The day also included meeting to finalize the proof for the Paul-themed children’s bulletin for Sunday’s Celebration Service.  It looks great!
  • The list of items to execute differently next year is growing – I’ll share some of those thoughts in another post.

I wanted to be very intentional about today was encouraging my leaders to be the biggest cheerleaders for the volunteers they’re leading.  Weariness has a way of settling in after the initial adrenaline rush, so I wanted my team to be aware of that.

One of the things that I love about our curriculum is setting aside time for God Sightings – ways that we see God at work.  I had a few God Sightings on Day 3:

  • Seeing the children bring in items for our outreach project.
  • Seeing the children worship God during our Celebration time.
  • Watching our children’s God Sightings walls expand and getting to read many of them.  It’s the simple things through the eyes of a child that remind me of what’s important.
  • Having one of our volunteers tell me that my smile energizes the building and sets the tone for the day – WOW!
  • A gracious volunteer who picked up dog poo on the way to the outdoor games area – I love her for doing that!
  • Safety for all of our campers and volunteers.
  • Cooperative weather – there were some pretty gray clouds outside but it didn’t rain during camp.

God is so good!  Looking forward to Day 4!

Verse for the day:

“The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear.  What can mere people do to me?”

Psalm 118:6

Here are a few pictures from Day 3:

Drama Time
Drama Time
Discussion in some of our family groups
Discussion in some of our family groups
Today’s snack: Edible Torches – these were topped with yogurt – delish!

Athens VBS: Day 2

Athens logo
Photo Credit: Group Publishing

You can read about Day 1 of our VBS here.

Day 2 of our VBS (or Summer Bible Camp as it’s known in our church) was very busy but still very enjoyable.  Here’s a recap:

  • I made sure to eat protein for breakfast.  My choice: Chobani Greek yogurt (the breakfast of champions!)
  • Because of the first day registration and directing people where to go, we did not have prayer as a team.  I made sure to include prayer today.
  • I made a list of items to execute differently next year – I’ll share some of those thoughts in another post.

The day also included meeting with our Worship Arts team to discuss our family-friendly Celebration Service this Sunday morning and time for one of my summer interns and I to create a Paul-themed children’s bulletin for the service.

One of the things that I love about our curriculum is setting aside time for God Sightings – ways that we see God at work.  I had a few God Sightings on Day 2:

  • Volunteers who showed up early, prepared & energetic.
  • Seeing the children worship God during our Celebration time.
  • Volunteers who lovingly cared for a child who experienced an anxiety attack.
  • Smiling children who ran into the building, ready for Day 2.
  • Safety for all of our campers and volunteers.

All in all, it was a great day.  Looking forward to Day 3!

Verse for the day:

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

1 Peter 5:7


Athens VBS: Day 1

Athens logo
Photo Credit: Group Publishing

A little over a month ago I found myself in a new leadership role at my church and subsequently the director of our VBS (now known as Summer Bible Camp).  In the two years that I’ve been at my current church, my role had been very, very small.  Did I mention my role was very, very small?  This year, I am leading a leadership team of 20 (who, in turn, are leading 150+ volunteers).

I am so blessed to be able to lead with such a fine group of capable, take-initiative leaders.  It has truly made my job a lot easier!  For the past several days, I’ve been asked, “Are you okay?” and “How are you holding up?” countless times.  I’ve also heard, “You look great, considering the amount of responsibility on your shoulders.”  Again, because of our capable leadership team, my primary role as director has been to troubleshoot and equip our leaders (what I love to do..the equipping part!).

After many months of thinking, planning, purchasing and organizing, our VBS kicked off yesterday.  We were expecting 300+ children and it seemed like they all showed up at once!  Thanks to our security and registration teams, we were able to get the children settled in rather quickly before the Celebration (worship) time began.

Of course, there were issues that came up that we needed to address:  parking lot congestion and traffic flow, implementing and enforcing a new drop-off & pick up policy (persons picking up children must now show a valid photo ID), building safety, a broken copier, and helping our youngest campers be active participants in the worship time.

All in all, the day went well.  When I was leaving the building for the day, someone asked me how I’m surviving such a busy time.  My answer:  God’s grace.  I am operating in His strength, not my own.  I am energized by my leaders and how I can best serve them.  I can’t wait to see what God is going to do this week!

Verse for the day:

“The Lord is good to everyone.  He showers compassion on all his creation.”

Psalm 145:9

Here are a few pictures from Day 1:

Photo: SBC is underway!
Our stage set
Wrapping up Celebration Time
Wrapping up Celebration Time

Practical (and Inexpensive) Gift Idea for Anxious Children

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

James 4:8a

A few weeks ago, a mom of an elementary aged-girl asked me for words of wisdom to help her daughter who is having anxiety issues.  I came across a great gift idea on Pinterest and decided to take it one step further.

The original idea was to type out James 4:8a on a sheet of copy paper, being sure to use different, vibrant colors for the word “draw”.  Then use fancy-edged scissors to cut out the verse and use curling ribbon to attach it to a box of markers.

What I decided to do was to include a journal with the markers (I added colored pencils as well).  I wanted the recipient to have a safe place to doodle and write her thoughts about what was troubling her, her prayers to God, and Bible verses that help her to remember that no matter what, God is with her.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • White copy paper or cardstock
  • Color printer
  • Tape or glue
  • Markers, crayons, or colored pencils (You could also use paints)
  • Small journal
  • Bible
  • Gift bag and tissue paper OR wrapping paper

Here’s step-by-step instructions for how I put this gift together:

  • Type the verse (James 4:8a) onto a sheet of white copy paper.  (I used a fun font – it was for a child.)
  • Use vibrant colors for the word “draw”.
  • Cut out the verse using fancy-edged scissors.  (I used pinking shears to edge the verse.)
  • Attach the verse to the package of markers, crayons or colored pencils using tape or glue.
  • In the front of the journal, write a personal note to the child receiving it.  Include Bible verses that reassure a child that God is with them.  Suggestions might include:  Deuteronomy 31:6; Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5; Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 46:1.
  • Wrap the gift or place in a gift bag with tissue paper.  Add a fun tag, if desired.
  • Say a prayer for the child that will receive the gift before you bless them with it.

This was a very inexpensive gift but one that the mom has already told me has blessed her daughter in a special way.

How have you helped a child who struggles with anxiety?  Share your ideas below!