This summer, I am attempting to read 3 books. Quite a goal, considering that summer really doesn’t slow down for our ministry. At the beginning of each month (June, July & August), I will let you know what book I’m reading and at the end of each month, I’ll give some insights I gleaned from the book.

I believe that a leader should be a reader. It is important to stay up-to-date with your culture, improve your craft, expand your thinking and grow in areas that might not be your strengths. Why did I choose this particular book? The second half of the title. I want to move those I lead to God’s agenda, not Kathie’s agenda. The minute that we move towards my agenda is the moment that our ministry will begin unraveling at the seams! I want to do my volunteers a favor by guiding them in the right direction, the direction that, with God’s help, will lead to children and adults having a personal relationship with Christ. This book looks like it will help me do just that. I’ll let you know!
What are you reading this summer?