For as long as I can remember, back-to-school sales have always excited me. As a student, I loved school so shopping for new supplies was something I always looked forward to. As a mom, ordering new backpacks and shopping with my children for their supplies thrilled me. (We kind of made a big deal out of back-to-school shopping!)
In this season of my life, shopping back-to-school sales look different. Now it means snagging great bargains for our kidmin!
Ministry budgets can be tight, so shopping sales is a great way to steward your resources. Take advantage of these phenomenal deals and save your ministry dollars. Stock up now on:
- Crayons
- Markers
- Pencils
- Pens
- Colored pencils
- Glue (liquid and sticks)
- Pocket folders
- Index cards
- Sticky notes
- Laptops/Desk tops
- Tablets
- Printer ink/toner
- Copy paper
- Scissors
- Storage bins/crates
- Bean bag chairs
- Notebooks
- Notebook paper
- Clipboards
- Tape
- Staplers and staples
- Dry erase boards and markers
- Paper clips
- Highlighters
- Journals
- Planners
- Bulletin board supplies (fadeless paper, borders, etc.)
- Tables and chairs
Shop for these items in your local retail stores, online, and teacher supply stores.
What items do you stock up on during back-to-school sales?
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