Happy Mother’s Day! As I have gotten older and become a mom myself, I have grown to appreciate my own mom more and more. What’s not to love about her? She is deeply rooted in her faith, loved and respected by her family, loyal to her friends, dedicated in her volunteer service and ministry, just to name a few. I am so honored to be her namesake (although she is Kathy with a “y” and not “ie” like me!)
I have had wonderful teachers over the years but I know that hands-down, she was the greatest teacher I’ve ever had. She would disagree, but I think she missed her vocational calling! She should’ve been a teacher. But aren’t all moms teachers? I think when we’re in the trenches, dealing with day-to-day survival, we moms can forget that we are teaching our children – teaching them how to walk with the Lord, how to resolve conflict, how to be in relationships with others, how to do laundry, how to get the best deal, how to enjoy life.
When I think back to the many lessons that my Mom taught me, here are a few that instantly come to mind:
- Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. Growing up, we celebrated everything – good grades, awards, milestones, holidays, you name it. To this day, my Mom still takes the time to celebrate the big and the small. This is a tradition that my children have grown up with as well. Get used to it, kiddos – we’re celebrating everything!
- Make family a priority. No one or no thing, absolutely no one and no thing, came before family. Family is everything. One area where this was particularly evident was in my sibling relationships. Sibling fights were not allowed in our house. Yes, we had disagreements, but at the end of the day, reconciling with one another was non-negotiable. Which leads me to my next lesson learned…
- Our home is a safe place. The world is full of negativity and strife. Put-downs, teasing and other hurtful actions were not allowed in our home.
As an adult, I’m still learning from my mom.
- Take time for you. Take time to pamper yourself with a trip to the salon or to get a manicure. Buy a new shade of lipstick. Treat yourself to that new blouse. Don’t neglect yourself while you parent.
- Nurture your marriage. Date your husband. Get away for a long weekend. Show him respect and teach your children to do the same.
- Pick your battles. Save your energy for what really matters.
I asked my friends through social media the following question: What’s the best advice your mother (or mother figure) has ever given you? Here are some of their responses:
“Be stronger than you look.”
“Let go and let God.”
“Trust God, be faithful to my husband, be dedicated to my children and be committed to my family and friends.”
“Sometimes you win the battle but lose the war…and some battles are just not worth fighting (win or lose).”
“When I became a mom, I asked my mom what the driving force behind her mothering style was and she said, ‘I made up my mind to love my kids for who they were, not who I wanted them to be.'”
“Always be sure to thank your people (at the church I pastor).”
“It’s better to be over-dressed than under-dressed!”
“It doesn’t hurt to say ‘Hello’ to someone.”
“Pursue your calling now. What’s growing up got to do with anything?”
“Look people in the eye.”
“Always wear a little lipstick.”
“Give people grace; only God knows what’s going on in their hearts.”
“Don’t base your life on ‘what if?'”
“Remember who you are. You are a child of the King. You were bought with a price. Because Jesus lives in you, then within you is hope, and peace, and all that is good.”
Now it’s your turn…What’s the best advice your mother (or mother figure) has ever given you? Share her wisdom below!
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