For the past 5 months, we have been planning for this year’s VBS, which we affectionately refer to as Summer Bible Camp (SBC). Like previous years, we selected Group’s Holy Land VBS, Wilderness Escape. The intensity in prepping has picked up significantly as SBC is close – we kick off on Monday!
Let’s talk numbers for a bit just so that you can get an idea of what’s involved:
- 17 leadership teams
- 25 leadership team members
- 235 campers (rising K – rising 6th Grade)
- 45 infants, toddlers and preschoolers (children of our volunteers – we provide a scaled-back, age-appropriate SBC for our preschoolers)
- >200 volunteers (students & adults)
This week, it’s an all-hands-on-deck approach for the entire church staff:
- Our facilities team is prepping the building and helping with take-down, set-up, moving tables and chairs, etc.
- Our worship arts department is prepping for our daily ‘Celebration’ times as well as Friday night Celebration Service for volunteers, campers and their families.
- Our communications department is printing materials, ordering larger signage, and updating the website and Sunday morning announcements.
- Our missions department is helping to coordinate our outreach project for the week.
Our leadership teams are:
- Reviewing (and reviewing and reviewing!) notes, shopping lists, supply lists, email, voicemail…lots of details to oversee!
- Making last-minute purchases
- Gathering supplies
- Meeting with team members to review logistics
- Conducting rehearsals
- Processing last-minute registrations
- Reviewing volunteer assignments and making last-minute adjustments as needed
- Drawing set-up maps in preparation for Sunday afternoon’s set-up
What about me, the SBC Director? All things considered, I’m relatively calm. (Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve even found time to read for the past few evenings!) This week, my primary concern is being available to my leadership team leaders. I have tried to clear my afternoon schedule to be available for team leaders who need closets unlocked, come in to gather supplies, have questions/concerns/a need for hugs and encouraging words, etc. Our leaders have been working so hard that I get pleasure from supporting them and equipping them to lead well.
Here are just a few pics of what we’ve been up to. We won’t reveal too much now – you’ll have to check back next week for more!

We’d surely appreciate your prayers as we serve next week – come back next week for daily updates and more pictures!